State fund for fundamental research of Ukraine (SFFRU)

The Fund is a state scientific establishment subordinated to the State Agency of Information, Innovations and Informatization (Derzhinformnuky) of Ukraine.

The main tasks of the Fund are: supporting on a competitive basis  the fundamental scientific researches in the field of natural, technical science and humanities that are carried out by scientific Institutions, Higher Educational Establishments,  scientists; realization of activity aimed at methodical, organizational and financial support  of  fundamental scientific researches; realization and implementation of Science and scientific metric investigations on prospective  development of Science in Ukraine and in the World; assistance to scientific contacts and spreading  the  information in the field  of  fundamental  scientific researches  including abroad  contacts;  establishment  and support of international scientific  cooperation in the field  of fundamental researches;

Europe : Ukraine
Institution type
Non French Institutions : Public research coordinating or funding body

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