Come to France

Come to France

CY Advanced Studies┋FIR program

[For more information, see supporting documents]

The Fellows-in-Residence Programme is an international visiting programme proposed by CY Advanced Studies (CY AS), the Institute of Advanced Studies of CY Cergy Paris Université and CY Initiative. Through the hosting  of researchers  in residence, for a duration ranging from 4 to 10 months, this programme aims at supporting international research collaborations and strengthening the attractiveness of the  CY Initiative's institutions.

IMéRA-AMU & Edinburg University joint fellowship

This research project led by Professor Frédéric Volpi (University of Edinburgh) Senior Fellow at Iméra 2021-24, proposes to study how mechanisms of solidarity are set up, operate, and transform contemporary Mediterranean identities in crisis situations. More specifically, it researches and analyzes the role of Muslim solidarities in the evolution of forms of Mediterranean civility and citizenship.

Fellow for the Intercontinental Academy (ICA)

The ICA seeks to create a global network of future research leaders by constructing an arena in whichthe very best early/mid-career scholars will work together on paradigm-shifting cross-disciplinary research, mentored by some of the most eminent researchers from across the globe. A key aspect is deriving the full benefit of the intercontinental origins of the endeavor and diversity of thought and culture.

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