Collective projects

Collective projects

Invitation to tender┋Measurement of social and cultural infrastructure

Funded by the UK’s Department for Science, Innovation & Technology

The British Academy is commissioning a major new research element as part of its work theme on social and cultural infrastructure. The research will investigate how social and cultural infrastructure can be measured, and so enable a better articulation of its purpose, presence, scale and value.


We offer grant opportunities at various entry points to provide a dynamic pathway to join our community and engage with us.

Whether you are an aspiring Explorer or already a luminary in the field, each opportunity has unique criteria and benefits to ensure that our Explorers receive support and funding aligned to their specific needs and goals. Each year, a small number of grants are awarded to individuals who are just beginning their National Geographic journey, as well as those who are working on more advanced projects.

Sparkling Science 2.0 Call for Proposals

Fundable projects

Funding will again be provided for research projects that actively involve school students and, if applicable, other Citizen Scientists in the research process.

Additional funding

With additional funding, special emphasis will be placed on the formation of science school focus, the involvement of peripheral or previously unreached or hardly reached schools in Austria, and the development of citizen science know-how through international networking.

Thematic focus

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