Collective projects

Collective projects

ERA-NET on Climate Services Roadmap: Cross-sector impact assessments (evaluation, comparison and integration)

Following the outcome of the European Workshop 'Towards a European Market of Climate Services' (18th March, 2014), a European Roadmap for Climate services has been prepared by an independent group of experts and presented in a subsequent European Conference on 17th March 2015. The Roadmap identifies a series of challenges and specific actions that need to be undertaken by various actors in Europe, in order to strengthen the European market of climate services.

Closing the water gap

Growing water demands, mismanagement of water use and climate change are increasing the stress on water supply, water bodies, and associated ecosystems and existing infrastructures, and emphasise the need to close the water cycle gap, by reconciling water supply and demand in both quantitative and qualitative terms.

Methods research for improved health economic evaluation

Health systems need to be resilient. They must be able to adapt effectively to changing environments, and tackle significant challenges with limited resources. Many changes are taking place including demographics and burdens of disease, advances in biomedical research, health technologies and personalised medicine, and the availability of large, population-based data sets.

Implementing the Strategic Research Agenda on Personalised Medicine

By providing the right intervention to the right person at the right time, personalised medicine can improve quality of life and contribute to more sustainable healthcare at Member State level. It may drive new and faster development processes and products, providing European life sciences industries with a competitive edge that can secure growth and jobs. Today, development is uneven across and within sectors, regions and Member States due to fragmented activities, insufficient communication and lack of commonly accepted solutions and standards.

Actions to bridge the divide in European health research and innovation

Despite serious efforts deployed at national and European level, the European Union sees significant internal disparities in terms of research and innovation performance as also identified in the Innovation Union Scoreboard. The disparities are equally present in health research and innovation and this call seeks solutions specifically adapted to this domain.

The European Commission has been funding projects to analyse the roots of the divide in European health research and innovation (HCO-14 2014) and wishes to continue efforts in closing the gap.

Région Bretagne┋Appel à projet "Innovation collaborative au croisement des filières"

Soutenir des projets de R&D portés par des entreprises et des acteurs régionaux de la recherche.


La Stratégie Régionale de Développement Économique, d'Innovation et d'Internationalisation bretonne, la « Glaz économie », comprend une stratégie spécifique de soutien à l’innovation dite « S3 » (Smart Specialization Strategy) dans laquelle s'inscrit l'appel à projet lancé par la Région, intitulé « l'innovation collaborative au croisement des filières », co-financé par le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional (FEDER).

Région Pays de la Loire┋Appel à projets "Paris scientifiques"

Le ressourcement des compétences académiques régionales et l’émergence de nouveaux sujets, souvent issues de la recherche transdisciplinaire, sont des enjeux majeurs pour préparer les pôles d’excellence de demain. C’est pour cette raison que la Région lance à nouveau un appel à projets destiné à soutenir des projets originaux et innovants.

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