Association for the Study of Persianate Societies (ASPS)


The Association for the Study of Persianate Societies (ASPS) is a non-governmental, non-political, not-for-profit professional organization for researchers and scholars interested in the culture and civilization of the Persian-speaking societies and related areas in the Iranian civilizational area.

It publishes the Journal of Persianate Studies, a collection of scholarly articles, book reviews and conference reports, and the semi-annual ASPS Newsletter. The Association's biennial conferences have been held in Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, India, Pakistan, Georgia and Armenia since its inauguration in Tajikistan in 2002. Eight regional branches give the ASPS an international presence.

The Association supports the efforts of scholars around the world. It has brought some thirty visitors from Iran and Central Asia to take part in academic and cultural conferences and conventions since it began its Travel Fellowship Program in 1998. The Central Eurasia Research Fellowship provides funds for scholars from Central Asia. The Association also posts announcements of job openings and upcoming conferences relevant for its members.

Amérique : États-Unis (Moyen-Atlantique)
Moyen Orient : Iran
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Academie ou société savante

Appels en cours

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