Fondation Toyota

The Toyota Foundation is a grant-making foundation established in 1974 by the Toyota Motor Corporation. The Foundation views events from a global perspective as it works to support activities that bring broad, long-term benefits to society. It identifies issues in a wide range of areas in line with the needs of the times, including human and natural environments, social welfare, and education and culture, and provides grants for research and projects that address these issues.

Since it was established in 1974, the Toyota Foundation has provided grants to research and projects in a wide variety of areas relating to human and natural environments, social welfare, and education and culture, in line with our founding philosophy of “contributing to the realization of a human-oriented society for the sake of greater human happiness.”

Asie : Japon
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Fondation privée, caritative ou d'entreprise

Appels en cours

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