Come to France

Come to France

FNS Postdoc.Mobility

Postdoc.Mobility fellowships support postdocs who wish to conduct a research stay abroad.

The fellowships are aimed at researchers with a doctorate and at researchers who will complete their doctorate within nine months after the submission deadline. Researchers with a medical degree that includes a doctorate are also eligible to apply. The fellowships are generally awarded for 24 months, but never for less than 12 months.

Recipients of a Postdoc.Mobility fellowship may apply for a return grant of 3 to 12 months.

IMÉRA ARTS & SCIENCES PROGRAMME┋Chair in Research and Creation: Cancer and Immunology

As an institute of Aix-Marseille University, the Institute of Cancer and Immunology (ICI) brings together research teams, hospitals and industrialists in Marseille working in the field of cancer and immunology research. The treatment of cancers by stimulating the patient's immune defenses is currently in full development and was even the subject of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2018.

IMÉRA Necessary Utopias Programme┋EHESS/IMéRA Chair

The EHESS (School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences) is a prestigious French institution devoted to research and teaching in social sciences. The EHESS research and teaching activities also involve members of French and foreign partners. These activities are carried out at the Paris headquarters and at the regional centers of the institution (Lyon, Marseille and Toulouse) as well.

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