Individual projects

Individual projects

Kosovo-Serbia research fellowship

Heartefact is pleased to invite applications for the 2024 Kosovo-Serbia research fellowship program. Fellowships are available for five primarily young to mid-career professionals from Kosovo and Serbia working at local or national institutions, academia, opinion makers, analysts, researchers, or publicly exposed individuals engaged in new media, IT and creative industries.

Bertha Benz Prize

As a pioneer, Bertha Benz not only undertook the world’s first overland journey in an automobile over 130 years ago; she also supported the inventions of her husband Carl Benz in an entrepreneurial spirit and with technical expertise. To commemorate her achievements, which were quite exceptional for that time, the Foundation awards the Bertha Benz Prize once a year. In the spirit of its name-giver, it honors young female engineers with outstanding dissertations.

Chaire artistique internationale┋"Arts, sociétés et mutations contemporaines"

Candidature jusqu’au 15 décembre 2023

Résidence internationale en arts visuels - chaire parrainée par Souleymane Bachir Diagne.

L’École des beaux-arts Nantes Saint-Nazaire, l’Institut d’études avancées de Nantes, le lieu unique et Nantes Métropole, lancent pour la deuxième fois l’appel à candidature pour la chaire « Arts, société & mutations contemporaines ».

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