Fondation Croix-Rouge française

The French Red Cross Fund, created on the initiative of the French National Society of the Red Cross, aims to initiate, support and reward research projects which put the principles, practices and objectives of the evolving landscape of humanitarian action into perspective. Through calls for proposals and postdoctoral scholarships, awards research and the organisation of scientific events , it aims to:

  • identify the challenges of the future of humanitarian action;
  • accompany the actors and people, who are the stakeholders of international solidarity;
  • disseminate knowledge and stimulate debate.

The Fund wishes to promote reconciliation between the academic and business worlds, in both in the Global North and the Global South.

Scientific mission

Via three main focal areas of its scientific mission, the French Red Cross Fund mobilises to:

  • Encourage and support research in the humanitarian sector (primarily francophone research)
  • Analyse and disseminate the gathered information and research
  • Open and share the debate with all humanitarian actors

Funding for research

==> Calls for projects

The French Red Cross Fund intends to support individual researchers or institutions who work on  transitions in the humanitarian landscape. Many countries benefiting from traditional humanitarian aid have proven their willingness to become autonomous and carry out the actions necessary for meeting the needs of their populations on their own. The Fund aims to identify the challenges which accompany these changes and assist researchers and institutions on these issues. In view of this, the Fund calls for Action-Research and postdoctoral research projects. These projects will focus on identifying and evaluating local actors which are likely to play a role in this transfer of activities. The Fund’s vision promotes complementary approaches and forward-looking work. It also addresses the links between the fields of humanitarian action and social action.

==> The Fund’s research awards

The Fund’s research awards aim to promote scientific work at the crossroads of disciplines, in a field traditionally focused on operational activities and for which there is little university funding. Open to all disciplines and all nationalities, the awards go to French-language fundamental or applied research in the field of humanitarian action, development policies and international charity aid.

Two categories:

  • An academic or non-academic research background
  • Promising or innovative research

Disseminating research results

==> Publications

By publishing the projects it funds (individual and team research), the Fund seeks to participate in the dissemination of collective information and to bring research results on its specific thematic areas to light. Publications also include articles published by members of its governance, its partners or associated experts.

Opening the debate on lasting humanitarian action

Through the organisation of scientific events, the French Red Cross Fund intends to open up and share the debate on lasting humanitarian action. It will build on its scientific resources to feed dialogue, support or initiate publishing projects and organise events that articulate knowledge, practices and principles around new models.

==> The Fund’s “Matinales”

Three times a year, the Fund invites two French or foreign experts to present on advances within their research on a theme at the heart of transitions in the humanitarian sector. The Fund’s “Matinales” aim to provide a space for informal dialogue, with a view to stimulating the discussion in small groups and maintaining links between all humanitarian actors.

==> Seminars

The seminars bring together academics, non-governmental and institutional actors to discuss a theme close to that of the call for projects from a country-specific perspective. They will take place for one or two days in one of the Fund’s priority geographic areas (Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Haiti, Laos, Mali and Senegal).

==> Other events

Europe : France (Paris Île-de-France)
Institution type
French Institutions : Association or NGO, Private foundation, charity or company

Expired calls