Collective projects

Collective projects

Improving accessibility, inclusive mobility and equity: new tools and business models for public transport in prioritised areas

Accessibility is a concept used in order to address both travel patterns, attitudes and needs of particular social groups – e.g. gender specific needs, unemployed persons, vulnerable to exclusion citizens such as elderly, children, disabled, etc., as well as the mobility needs and transport use characteristics of people living in different types of areas such as rural, remote or deprived urban areas.

Big data in Transport: Research opportunities, challenges and limitations

Technological developments, particularly related to the extended and expanding use of ICT in the transport sector, allow the collection of unprecedented volumes of data across all modes and transport systems. These volumes of data, known also as "big data", have generated a strong interest in the transport research community as well as in the relevant industries and among policy makers.

Personalised coaching for well-being and care of people as they age

The activity aims at developing and validating radically new ICT based concepts and approaches for empowering and motivating people in need of guidance and care due to age related conditions, in cooperation with their carers where relevant, and to help them improve and maintain their independence, functional capacity, health status as well as preserving their physical, cognitive, mental and social well-being.

Région Île-de-France┋Appel à manifestation d’intérêt pour l’identification des Domaines d’Intérêt Majeur (DIM)

La Région cherche à travers cet appel à projets à identifier les sujets en émergence et susceptibles de générer des innovations. Elle vise à accroître le rayonnement scientifique des laboratoires franciliens et leur attractivité pour les chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs étrangers, ainsi que, plus globalement, l’attractivité du territoire francilien aux fins de développement économique.

Cet appel à projets vise à  identifier des équipes ou des réseaux de recherche, publics ou privés à but non lucratif, issus de plusieurs ComUEs :

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