Come to France

Come to France

AgreenSkills+ Postdoctoral Fellowships in Agriculture, Nutrition, Environment and Animal Health Studies

AgreenSkills and AgreenSkills+ are international incoming-outgoing postdoctoral fellowship programmes designed to increase the research potential and career prospectives of inventive, promising and experienced researchers from all disciplines to better respond to the current and future challenges in the fields of agriculture, food, nutrition, environment, animal health and veterinary public health.

Contrat post-doctoral au German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) - Paris: "La résilience : les facteurs politiques et socio-économiques des crises du 21ème siècle"

Le bureau de Paris du German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) publie le 12 juillet 2016 le présent appel à projets pour l’attribution d’un contrat post-doctoral d’une durée de deux ans.

Relèvent du présent appel à projets, les projets portant sur la thématique suivante:

« La résilience : les facteurs politiques et socio-économiques des crises du 21ème siècle »

PostDoctoral fellowships in Banking and Finance at Limoges University

The University of Limoges is launching a new call for the recruitment of a Post-Doc Fellow in Banking and Finance (Research Fellowship) in 2016.

The selected candidate(s) will be recruited for a period of 6 months and will be hosted by LAPE (Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Prospective Economiques).

Offers are limited to candidates who have recently (last 3 years) acquired their PhD degree.

Chair of Dialogue between Cultures Postdoctoral Fellowship at Paris 1: "The role of media in the relations between Europe and the Arabian Peninsula"

The Chair of Dialogue between Cultures (Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne University / al-Imam Muhammad bin Saud University) is offering a postdoctoral fellowship from September 1st 2016 to June 30th 2017 to support research and organize training on:

The role of media in the relations between Europe and the Arabian Peninsula

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