The Wenner-Gren Foundation

The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc. is a private operating foundation dedicated to the advancement of anthropology throughout the world. Located in New York City, it is one of the major funding sources for international anthropological research and is actively engaged with the anthropological community through its varied grant, fellowship, networking, conference and symposia programs.

It founded and continues to publish the international journal Current Anthropology, and disseminates the results of its symposia through open-access supplementary issues of this journal. The Foundation works to support all branches of anthropology and closely related disciplines concerned with human biological and cultural origins, development, and variation.

Amérique : États-Unis (Moyen-Atlantique)
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Fondation privée, caritative ou d'entreprise

Appels en cours

Aucun appel en cours disponible pour cette institution.