Fulbright-Botstiber Awards

The Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies (BIAAS) and the Austrian-American Educational Commission (AAEC) / Fulbright Austria jointly established two Fulbright-Botstiber Visiting Professors of Austrian-American Studies.

A Fulbright-Botstiber award (approximately $20,000 for one academic semester) is offered annually to one Austrian scholar to be hosted by institutions in the United States, and an identical award is offered annually to one American scholar to be hosted by institutions in Austria.

The purpose of the Fulbright-Botstiber awards is to promote an understanding of the historic relationship between Austria and the United States. The AAEC and BIAAS are particularly interested in soliciting applications that advance this purpose in the fields of history, the social sciences, economics, and law. We also will welcome qualified applications from other disciplines, including but not limited to literature, music, and the arts.

Grant proposals require the collaboration of potential Fulbright-Botstiber scholars and potential host faculty from institutions in Austria or the United States, respectively. Host faculty will be responsible for effectively anchoring the visiting Fulbright-Botstiber scholars in the curriculum, host department, and other activities of the host institution. Flexible combinations of lecturing and research will allow Fulbright-Botstiber Visiting Professors of Austrian-American Studies to connect with students and to make scholarly contributions to their disciplines at the same time.

Scholars interested in learning more about the Fulbright-Botstiber Visiting Professor Award for lecturing and research in Austria consult the website of the AAEC/Fulbright Austria. Please note that the application deadline for 2020-2021 is October 30, 2019.

Date de candidature
1 term
Humanités : Anthropologie & Ethnologie, Architecture et urbanisme, Art et histoire de l'art, Histoire, Linguistique, Littérature, Numérique, Big Data, Philosophie, théologie et religion
Sciences sociales : Démographie, Droit, Economie, Géographie, Gestion et administration publique, Identités, genre et sexualités, Relations internationales, Science politique, Sciences de l'information et de la communication, Sciences environnementales, Sociologie